Bob Blackman Exempt Accommodation Bill

Birmingham Local Conservatives welcome Bob Blackman’s Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill becoming law, this is an important first step in tackling the scourge of Exempt Accommodation in the city. More still needs to be done nationally, including bringing Exempt Accommodation into the planning system to allow local authorities to control their spread and protect family housing, but locally Birmingham City Council must fully utilise all new powers as soon as they are available, including the introduction of a licensing scheme for all supported accommodation providers. Please sign our petition below


We, the undersigned, call on Birmingham City Council to use the powers in the new Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act to implement a city-wide licensing scheme for Exempt Accommodation in order to limit the spread to actual need, raise standards, and ensure only fit and proper people can run this type of accommodation.

Bob Blackman Exempt Accommodation Bill

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